What Is Prerana? 

Prerana is a collection of articles published by The HR Practice team. Our endeavor is to drive professional fulfillment and success among all readers of Prerana. The collection covers workplace issues related to increasing personal effectiveness as a Team Member, Manager or Leader. 



What does it contain?

The Feature Article: details a topic of interest and usefulness based on practical experience with the companies The HR Practice is working with.

Personal Insight: During our interactions with our clients, partners, well-wishers and HR professionals, we have come across people who have achieved extraordinary goals. They share their experiences and best practices in our Personal Insight section.

Book Reviews: It was just a single book that changed Mahatma Gandhi. Through our book reviews we hope to introduce you to some books that we have personally found to be cathartic.

Management Funda: to broaden the perspectives of our readers with unique insights.

Managerial Skills: though we use the term 'Basic', the section on managerial skills will help you with important pointers on mastering some of the key skills used in everyday work life.

Activity and Awareness: Improvement begins with awareness. Every issue contains an Activity Section that will help you become more aware about industry practices, yourself, or your capabilities.

Useful Articles: Last but not the least, we have also provided links to articles that could be useful for anyone in this sphere.

You can view the Prerana Archives here. 

How do I provide feedback on Prerana?

Any feedback on the content and format of Prerana is welcome. Please write to us on connectwithprerana@thehrpractice.in